
In 1952, the municipal council investigated the issue of establishing a chamber of commerce. The tenth issue of the official gazette “Al-Kuwait Al-Yom” (Kuwait Today) stated that the Higher Executive Committee had, in its meeting of 12/2/1955 resolved under No. 77-51 the establishment of a chamber for commerce and industry through an Emir Decree by Law. Read more


Agency Law

A Contract Agency is a contract whereby a person undertakes, in a certain area of activity to ontinuously encourage and negotiate the conclusion of transactions for the benefit of his principal in consideration of a remuneration. His undertaking may include conclusion and execution of such transactions in the name of the principal and for his account. Read more


Tenders Law

A Public Tenders Committee shall be set up with the title "Central Tenders Committee" ascribed thereto and shall be attached to the Council of Ministers. This Committee shall receive and decide public tenders and shall award such tenders to the most suitable tenderer in the light of the procedure outlined herein. Read more


Industrial Law

Industrial licenses shall be granted to projects relating to basic industries that prove feasible, or to those projects that are determined by the competent authorities in the oil sector. Read more


Amiri Decree of Foodstuffs

An Amiri Decree was issued last Monday on selling of food and related stores. The Decree also included a supplement containing conditions which must be observed by bakeries, restaurants, hotels, cafes, candie stores, soft drinks plants, farms and food plants. Read more


Special Foods Regulations

The use of Personal Diet is widely spread inside the country. The misuse of this diet shall harm human health. Thus, it shall be necessary to establish an effective healthful control on diet circulation by aim of guaranteeing its better use and hence preserving pubic health. Read more


Food regulations

The State Minister for Municipal Affairs having considered Law No. 15 of 1972 concerning Kuwait Municipality and the laws amending thereto; and Resolution No. 3368/81 concerning the rules for food sales and storing and the relevant localities; and The Municipality Affairs Committee Resolution No. (MAC/DR 22/113/12/92) adopted on 9th Rajab 1412 A.H. corresponding to 13.1.1992, Hereby decides Read more


Trade Fairs

The Minister of Commerce and Industry, Having perused the Commercial Law No. 68 of 1980 and the Law of Business Concerns and Shops Licences No. 32/1969, and the Law organizing Commercial Agencies No. 36/1964, and the Law on Supervision and Control of Precious Metals and Valuable Stores No. 23/1980 and the Commercial Companies Law No. 15 of 1960; and pursuant to the Decree promulgated on 7th Zul Hija, 1406 H. Read more


Slaughtering according to Islam

The following is a summary of the research work which was given due attention by the Council of Directors of the Brazil Islamic Centre which is composed of their Excellencies, the Ambassadors of Member Countries, during the Council's meetings which were held on (12/5/98 H - 19/4/78), (2/6/98 H - 9/5/78) and (17/7/98 H - 22/6/78) respectively. Read more


Metals and Gems

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry shall supervise and control trading, manufacturing and importation of precious metals, relevant wroughts, plated, ornamented and blended metals as well as any valuable stones in the following aspects Read more



The State of Kuwait is a country in the northern corner of the Arabian Gulf. Its natural resources are dominated by its huge oil resources, which are estimated to last for 100-150 years at current lifting rates. Associated gas resources are also substantial but the search for non-associated gas has so far only revealed more oil. Read more


Intellectual Property Rights

A person who creates a classified work or to whom the classified work is, attributed at the time of its publishing or diffusion, whether by stating his name in such classified work or by any other means of whatsoever nature shall be considered as author, unless otherwise is established and proved.Read more


Free Zones Law

One or more Free Trade Zone/Zones may be established under a resolution issued by the Council of Ministers, with locations and boundaries specified in the same resolution. Regulating Direct Foreign Capital Investment Read more


Invested Foreign Capital:

- Foreign money, securities and commercial papers transferred to Kuwait.
- Machinery, equipment, transportation means, raw materials and commodities imported from abroad for investment purposes.

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Law concerning Money Laundering

Money laundering is a financial or a non-financial operation or group of operations aiming to conceal or disguise the illicit origin of money or proceeds from any crime making them appear as money or proceeds derived from a lawful origin also, any act contributing to the process of employment or transfer of money or proceeds originating directly or indirectly from a crime or to the concealment or disguise of their origin is considered as such.Read more

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